-Directors Wildlife, Planning, Lake Simcoe and Greater Golden Horseshoe Area Publications, Conference papers and Civics documents.
Selected Key Summary of Research – Directors Wildlife, Planning, Lake Simcoe and Greater Golden Horseshoe Area Publications, Conference papers and Civics documents. Paul Harpley – Independent Wildlife/Landscape Ecologist; Rob Milne – Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University; Ian Hilton – planning E.P.D.I.
Note: Some of these papers and book chapters are available on the world-wide web. For those that are not, please contact The Zephyr Society of Lake Simcoe for reprints, in support of the organization.
Wildlife Science, Policy and Resource Management Focus: Books / Chapters
Harpley, Paul (1997) Zephyr Tract – York Regional Forest, Chapter 9 in Oak Ridges Moraine Book, Storm Coalition, The Boston Mills Press, Erin, Ontario.
Harpley, Paul J. and R.J. Milne, (1996). The Use of Avian Faunas in Delineating Wetlands in the Baldwin Wetland Complex, Southern Ontario. In Wetlands: Environmental Gradients, Boundaries and Buffers, (eds.) G. Mulamoottil, B.G. Warner and E.A. Mc Bean, CRC/Lewis Publishers, New York. Chap. 11. pp. 163-176.
Harpley, Paul J. and R.J. Milne, (1995). Environmental Harmony and Human Perception of Nature: Ecosystem Management Tools for Land-use Planning. In Environmental Sociology: Theory and Practice (eds.) M.D. Mehta and E. Ouellet, Captus Press Inc.
Wildlife and Landscape Ecology Research – Publications: Conference Papers Hawey, Connor; Harpley, Paul J. and R.J. Milne (2020) Habitat use by Veery (Catharus fuscescens) Southern Ontario. The Canadian Field-Naturalist; A Journal of Field Biology and Ecology, Vol. 143, No. 4, 2020.
Harpley, Paul J. and R. Milne (2015) Spring/Summer Breeding Bird Survey E.P.D.I., Contracted for Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation, and for LSRCA. 36 pp., Lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada.
Harpley, Paul J., R. Milne (2015) Monitoring Bioslicks: Human waste spreading, North G.T.A. rivers: Aquatic and Terrestrial impacts. ON Nature Magazine, Summer 2015, Earth Watch. Ontario Nature, Toronto, Ontario.
Harpley, Paul J., R. Milne, Cassandra Petersen, James Szykoluk, Carmen Tam (2015) River Slicks Monitoring & Landuse Analysis, Zephyr Creek, Ontario. The 3rd Biennial Lake Simcoe Science Forum, 2015 Latornell Conservation Symposium, Nov. 17, Orillia, Ontario.
Harpley, Paul J, and R. Milne (2014) Land Use Conflict in Planning a Sustainable Future: Town of Georgina in the South Lake Simcoe Area, Ontario, Canada, Paper:The Zephyr Society of Lake Simcoe. Session: Land Use Conflicts at the Intersection of the Urban and Rural. Association of American Geographers (A.A.G.) Annual Meeting, Tampa Florida, U.S.A.
Milne, Rob J., L.P. Bennett and M. Hoyle. (2013). Weather variability permitted within amphibian monitoring protocol and affects on calling Hylidae. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185: 8879-8889.
Milne, R.J. and L.P. Bennett. (2012) Understanding landscape patterns of temporal variability in avian populations to improve environmental impact assessments. Ecological Informatics 14: 75-78.
Milne and L.P. Bennett. (2007) Biodiversity and ecological value of conservation lands in agricultural landscapes of Southern Ontario, Canada. Landscape Ecology 22(5): 657-670.
Milne, Rob, J. and L.P. Bennett. (2007). Evaluating regional environmental monitoring programs: an ecosystem approach applied to south-central Ontario. In Monitoring the Effectiveness of Biological Conservation. J.L. Innes and J.A. Timko (eds.), Forrex, Vancouver.
Milne, Rob J., L.P. Bennett and P.J. Harpley. (2006) Contributions of landscape ecology, multifunctionality and wildlife research toward sustainable forest management in the Greater Toronto Area. Forestry Chronicle 82(3):403-411.
Milne, Rob.J., S. Rosolen, G. Whitelaw, and L. Bennett. (2006). Multi-party monitoring in Ontario: 20 Challenges and emerging solutions. Environments 34(1):11-25.
Harpley, Paul J. and R.J. Milne (2005) Natural Area Corridors of the South Lake Simcoe Region, Canadian Society of Landscape Ecology and management (C.S.L.E.N.). Annual Meeting, November 22-26, Proceedings. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.gh
Whitelaw,G., J. Hamilton, and R.J. Milne. (2005). Historical recreation patterns along the Niagara Escarpment in Ontario and the challenges to heritage-based recreation and tourism. In Proceedings 2004: Heritage-based Recreation Along the Great Arc, J.G. Nelson and J. Peter (eds.), Environments Publication, University of Waterloo, Waterloo. pp. 15-35
Bennett, L.P. and R.J. Milne. (2004). Criteria to assess and select sites for long-term avian monitoring in an urbanizing landscape. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 94:147-162.
Milne, Rob J., M.R. Moss, and L.P. Bennett. (2002). Land typing for bioregional planning: a perspective from the Niagara Escarpment, Ontario. In Land Type Associations Conference: Development and Use in Natural Resources Management Planning and Research, M. Smith (ed.), USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, General Technical Report NE-294. pp. 46-53.
Pond, B. and R.J. Milne. (2000). Silver Level Manual: Terrestrial Toolbox. In Watershed Report Card: Manuals for Community Involvement in Watershed Management, Watershed Report Card Inc., Peterborough. pp. 24-36.
Pond, B. and R.J. Milne. (2000). Silver Level Manual: Uplands Toolbox. In Watershed Report Card: Manuals for Community Involvement in Watershed Management, Watershed Report Card Inc., Peterborough. pp. 219-256
Harpley, Paul J., (2000). Habitat Suitability modeling using GIS methods as applied to the River Otter study. The River Otter Project Public Contact Open House, South Lake Simcoe Naturalists, Partner – M.N.R. Aurora Branch, Ontario. Egypt, Ontario, March.
Harpley, Paul J. and R.J. Milne, (2000). The Black River Complex, Southern Ontario: A Small-scale Biosphere Reserve. Fourth International Conference on Science and the Management of Protected Areas: Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future, SAMPA and Parks Research Forum of Ontario, Waterloo, Ontario. May (paper).
Farwell, J., R.J. Milne and PJ. Harpley, (1998). Habitat suitability analysis of wintering deer populations in the Rouge Valley, Toronto, Ontario. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Ottawa, Ontario. June (paper).
Moss, M.R. and R.J. Milne. (1998). Biophysical processes and bioregional planning: The Niagara Escarpment of Southern Ontario, Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning 40:251-268.
Milne, R.J. and P. Harpley, (1998). Avian monitoring in the South Lake Simcoe wildland/wetland complex. Canadian Wildlife Service, “Wetlands for the Future: Integrating Information for Conservation”, Guelph, Ontario, March (poster).
Milne, Rob J. and P. Harpley, (1997). Avian monitoring in a wildland/wetland complex, Greater Toronto Area, Ministry of Natural Resources, “Leading Edge’97: the Edge and the Point”, Burlington, Ontario, October (poster).
Milne, Rob J. and P. Harpley, (1996). Scale, landscape fragmentation and avian patterns in wildland complexes of the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada. Association of American Geographers, “Joint Meeting of the West Lakes and East Lakes Regional Divisions of the Association of American Geographers”, Valparaiso, Indiana, October (paper).
Harpley, Paul J. and R.J. Milne, (1995). Implications of proposed highway 404 transportation corridor on wildlife and habitat. Uxbridge Conservation Group, “Forum on 404”, Uxbridge, Ontario, October.
Milne, Rob J. and P.J. Harpley, (1994). Landscape ecology, avian information and the rehabilitation of wildland complexes in Greater Toronto. In Landscape Change: Opportunities and New Approaches, Paper. Proceedings Canadian Land Reclamation Association 18th Annual Meeting, Lindsay, Ontario.
Milne, Rob J. and P. Harpley, (1994) Cannington Esker: Biological Refuge,
landscape corridor and management conflicts. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Waterloo, Ontario, May (paper).
Milne, Rob J. and P. Harpley, (1994). The importance of the avian faunal component in the delineation and management of the Black River Wetland, Ontario. Wetlands Research Centre, “Wetlands: Environmental Gradients, Boundaries and Buffers” International Conference, Paper. Niagara Falls, Ontario, April.
Harpley, Paul J. and R.J. Milne, (1993). Landscape Ecology, avian information and the rehabilitation of wildland complexes in the Greater Toronto Area, Paper. Canadian Land Reclamation association 18th Annual Meeting, Lindsay, Ontario, August.
Harpley, Paul J. and R.J. Milne, (1992). An application of Landscape Ecology principles to wetland complexes in the Greater Toronto Area, Paper. Canadian Association of Geographers, Ontario Division, “CAGONT 92” conference, University of Toronto, Ontario, October (paper).
Harpley, Paul J. and Valli Scheuring, (1992) Editor and Papers contributor,
Lake Simcoe Conference Proceedings, South Lake Simcoe Naturalists,
Baldwin, Town of Georgina, Ontario. 140 pages.
Moss, M.R. and R.J. Milne. (1988). Forest dynamics and geomorphic processes of the Niagara Escarpment, Collingwood. In Landscape Ecology and Management, M.R. Moss (ed.), Polyscience Publications, Montreal. pp. 129-140.
Broader G.T.A. Planning Bioregion area Publications
Johnson, B and P. Harpley (1989) Familiar Amphibians and Reptiles of Ontario, Illustrated P. Harpley, Natural Heritage/Natural History Inc. Publishers, Toronto, Ontario.
Harpley, Paul (1986) Wetlands Alert, viewpoint, Wildlife Collectibles, Vol.3 No., 3, Insight Publications, Durham, Ontario, June.
Harpley, Paul and J. Garratt (1986) Woodview Forest. Save the Rouge River System Technical Paper Vol. 3 No. 1, February.
Harpley, Paul (1982) Toronto Region Mammal Records, Toronto Field Naturalist No. 352., December.
Harpley, Paul (1982) Toronto Region Bird Records, Toronto Field Naturalist No. 352, December.
Harpley, Paul (1982) White-tailed Deer Herd in Metropolitan Toronto.Toronto Field Naturalist No. 346 pp. 19-21, March.
Harpley, Paul (1981) Save the Rouge. International Wildlife Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 24, May-June.
Harpley, Paul (1981) A General Survey of the Birds and Mammals of the Rouge River, Pickering Naturalist Vol. 6 No. 2, Summer 1981.
Harpley, Paul (1981) Breeding Bird Census on Little Rouge River, Save the Rouge River System Technical Paper Vol. 1 No.1, January.
Harpley, Paul (1981) Breeding Bird Census- Hinterland Ravine, American Birds Vol., 1(1)
Harpley, Paul (1978) Response to Wildlife Hazard in Ontario, The Wolf and
Bear Bounty Act in Ontario, University of Toronto. Honours Thesis, B.Sc.
Advisor, Dr. Rorke Bryan, Professor, Physical Geography; later Dean, Faculty of Forestry, U. of T.
Harpley, Paul (1975) The Timber Wolf in Ontario, University of Toronto Scarborough College Bulletin, Vol. 3 No. 21, February 21,1975.
International Wildlife, Conservation, Zoological Parks and Related Publications
Harpley P.J. (2011) Engineered Metaphorical Landscapes and the Development of Zoos: The Toronto Case Study. Chapter 67, 33 pages. In Engineered Earth, Academic Book. Editor: Dr. Stan Brunn, University of Kentucky, U.S.A.
Harpley P.J. (2011) Tundra Trek, Canadian Award-winning Landscape and Educational Exhibit, Toronto Zoo, Interpretation Canada, Canada.
Harpley, P.J. (2009) The Future Zoo, Developments at the Toronto Zoo, Special Lecture, Seoul Grand Park Zoo, Seoul, Republic of South Korea, August 12.
Harpley, P.J. (2009) The Tundra Trek Project, Toronto Zoo, The Future Zoo, Invited Speaker, Proceedings, pp 4, 17. South East Asian Zoo Association (SEAZA) August 5-9, Seoul, Republic of South Korea.
Harpley, Paul J. (2005) New exhibitry in a changing world, Innovation or Replication, pp. 49-60. Proceeding of the 6th International Symposium on Zoo Design. Edited by A.B. Plowman and S.J. Tonge. Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust, Paignton, Devon, U.K.
Harpley, P.J. (2001) Asiatic Black Bear (endangered species), PHVA, United Nations Commission. Contributor and field Bear expert, for Toronto Zoo and City of Toronto, Seoul Grand Park Zoo. Wild and Captive Breeding Plan (S.S.P.). Workshop, April 18-21. Seoul, Republic of South Korea.
Harpley, P.J., and Paul Simpson-Housley, (1998) Response to a Creation of an African Savanna Landscape, The Great Lakes Geographer Journal, Vol. 5, Nos. 1-2, The University of Western Ontario, Canada. pages 67-7
Harpley, Paul J. (1992) Recreating an African Savanna – Perception of Environment of a Symbolic Landscape in 27th International Geographical Congress, Technical Program, Abstracts, pp. 243-244. P. Harpley (Chair-on the day) Session: Approaches to Nature Preservation. George Washington University, Washington, U.S.A.
Harpley P.J. (1992) Western Perceptions of Savannahs: Visitors to the Toronto Zoo. M.A. Thesis York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.